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Last Edit: Mar 31, 2006 at 12:26 (6,744.74 days ago)created by Steve Gibson

HowTo Guide Overview

"So many pages, so little time."

Yes, I know.

But the good news is that you will not need to read all of these pages, some of them are just for additional information, and many of the ones you will need are short and/or quick and easy to handle.

Since setting up a reliable, feature-packed, and robust OpenVPN system is not, and can not be, a "single click" operation, I wanted make sure that everyone will be able to succeed at this, rather than get stuck part way through and frustrated. There is also a Send us feedback page that's intended to "close the loop" so that these pages can evolve if there's anything I can do to improve them.

Here's a quick summary of the guide's pages:

1 Intro and background 

Our introduction to these guide pages, VPN's, OpenVPN, and the classic Security Now! podcast series with its search for "The Holy Grail."

2 Howto guide goals 

A description of the security and privacy features of the personal VPN system which this guide will help to create.

3 Howto guide overview 

This page you're reading right now.

4 Routing vs bridging 


5 Plan before you begin 


6 Install OpenVPN client 


7 Install OpenVPN server 


8 Create virtual NICs 


9 Create virtual NICs 


10 Create virtual NICs 


11 Create virtual NICs 


12 Create virtual NICs 


13 Create virtual NICs 


14 Create virtual NICs 


15 Create virtual NICs 


16 Create virtual NICs 


17 Create virtual NICs 


18 Create virtual NICs 


19 Create virtual NICs 


The Routing vs bridging page examines one of the
main configuration decisions made by this howto guide.

We encourage you to read through these pages in sequence (many are short):

1  Intro and background 
8  Create virtual NICs 
15  Dynamic DNS Service 
2  Howto guide goals  
9  Win 2000 bridging 
16  Testing the system 
3  Howto guide overview 
10  Win XP bridging 
17  HotSpot VPN Service 
4  Routing vs bridging 
11  FreeBSD bridging 
18  OpenVPN Alternatives 
5  Plan before you begin 
12  GRC's config files 
19  Howto guide FAQ 
6  Install OpenVPN client 
13  Secure certificates 
7  Install OpenVPN server 
14  Port forwarding 
20  Send us feedback 

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Last Edit: Mar 31, 2006 at 12:26 (6,744.74 days ago)Viewed 4 times per day