| Contained in ZIP files The .wmv media file is contained within a .zip file so that your browser will download the entire file into your computer and will not try to begin playing it until the download is complete. After the download of sr6_on_techtv.zip is completed, open that zip file and click on the sr6_on_techtv.wmv file it contains. |
 | Windows Media Version 9 Microsoft has made tremendous strides in the quality of their media format in recent years. Version 9 offers significantly better quality at low bit rates than their previous versions. This keeps media files as small as possible. Since all Windows systems are capable of playing Window Media Version 9 files, we have chosen the WMV9 format for the SpinRite clip. |
 | The Version 9 Codec (COmpressor/DECompressor) Codecs are internal Windows components that are completely separate from the external Windows Media Player which presents a user-interface and appears to play your media files. Even if you choose to use the "classic" version 6.4 media player, or any other older media player before version 9, you can easily, and should, upgrade your system's internal media architecture to play version 9 files. There is no reason not to, and in fact, since it will also play all previous versions as well, this will prevent your Media Player from always trying to connect to Microsoft to "update" itself. |
 | If the clip won't play (or audio only) If the SpinRite 6 video clip does not play, or plays audio only, your system does not yet have version 9 codecs. Simply go to this page on Microsoft's site to download and update your system's media player codecs. THIS WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR MEDIA PLAYER. It will simply give your current media player more capabilities and cause it to try less often to find the missing codecs. Choose the first package unless you're using the classic Media Player v6.4, in which case choose the second package. |

 | Answers to the most common questions After watching the video, you may wish to click the button below to read and review the answers to the most commonly asked questions by people considering the purchase and use of SpinRite:
