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But this integration of the traditionally separate disk controller with the drive, meant that the drive was then managing its own condition internally and “autonomously.” In essence, it became a black box into which we pour data and then later hope that the drive will pour the same data back out. The trouble was . . . black boxes are black . . . meaning that we cannot see into them. In the case hard disk drives this meant that no one any longer knew how many defective sectors the drive contained, nor how many spare sectors were being consumed, or really what overall condition the drive might be in . . . because now the drive managed all of that internally. If all drives lasted forever this would have been a tremendous relief and not posed any problem. But the phrase “hard drive crash” is famous for a reason.
We could easily make a perfect hard drive that never fails, but . . . Competitive market pressures force hard Think about it: You know the way the world works. If hard drives were not alreadydrives to operate near the edge of failure. operating right at the edge of failure, someone would cram more bits into one, and that's what everyone would buy. So drives are already there, frantically competing with each other, and crammed to the limit with every last possible byte of storage. |
So a industry-wide S.M.A.R.T. standard was created to provide a means of asking this “black box” what was going on inside.
If you have not already done so, please study each of the “callouts” on the SpinRite S.M.A.R.T. System Monitor diagram above, then either click on that diagram or on the button below to switch to a detailed explanation of each display feature.
What is SpinRite? | For those who know 6.0 | S.M.A.R.T. Details |
User Manual | Will it run on your machine? | Testimonials |
FAQ | Purchase / Upgrade | The future | Sign-up for news |
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Last Edit: Aug 21, 2024 at 13:27 (171.60 days ago) | Viewed 52 times per day |