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Our weekly audio security column
& podcast by Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte
TechTV's Leo Laporte and I take 30 to 90 minutes near the end of each week to discuss important issues of personal computer security. Sometimes we'll discuss something that just happened. Sometimes we'll talk about long-standing problems, concerns, or solutions. Either way, every week we endeavor to produce something interesting and important for every personal computer user.

 You may download and listen to selected episodes from this page (see below), or subscribe to the ongoing series as an RSS "podcast" to have them automatically downloaded to you as they are produced. To subscribe, use whichever service you prefer . . .

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 Send us your feedback: Use the form at the bottom of the page to share your opinions, thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for future episodes.

 Leo also produces "This Week in Tech" (TWiT) and a number of other very popular podcasts (TWiT is America's most listened to podcast!) So if you are looking for more informed technology talk, be sure to check out Leo's other podcasts and mp3 files.

 And a huge thanks to AOL Radio for hosting the high-quality MP3 files and providing the bandwidth to make this series possible. We use "local links" to count downloads, but all of the high-quality full-size MP3 files are being served by AOL Radio.

Episode Archive

Each episode has SIX resources:

High quality 64 kbps mp3 audio file
Quarter size, bandwidth-conserving,
16 kbps (lower quality) mp3 audio file
A web page with any supplementary notes
A web page text transcript of the episode
A simple text transcript of the episode
Ready-to-print PDF (Acrobat) transcript  

(Note that the text transcripts will appear a few hours later
than the audio files since they are created afterwards.)

For best results: RIGHT-CLICK on one of the two audio icons & below then choose "Save Target As..." to download the audio file to your computer before starting to listen. For the other resources you can either LEFT-CLICK to open in your browser or RIGHT-CLICK to save the resource to your computer.

Episode #435 | 18 Dec 2013 | 108 min.
Listener Feedback #180

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world ‘application notes’ for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
52 MB 13 MB 909 KB 156 KB 91 KB 166 KB

Episode #434 | 11 Dec 2013 | 111 min.
Listener Feedback #179

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world ‘application notes’ for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
53 MB 13 MB 2.8 MB 175 KB 99 KB 178 KB

Episode #433 | 04 Dec 2013 | 98 min.
“BULLRUN”: How the NSA breaks Internet encryption

After catching up with the week's more interesting Security News and my Miscellany (such as NASA working on an FTL Warp Drive!) Leo & I take a closer look at “BULLRUN”, the NSA's code name for their encryption cracking initiative, to speculate upon just what the NSA might be doing... and capable of doing.
47 MB 12 MB 1.2 MB 119 KB 76 KB 140 KB

Episode #432 | 27 Nov 2013 | 90 min.
Coin, CryptoLocker, Patent Trolls & More

Following another week overfilled with interesting security-related news, Steve and Leo spend an hour and a half diving deeply into an updated (and likely very close to correct) understanding of the COIN payment card, news on the CryptoLocker front, a close look at a patent troll case that has so far done the wrong way, and much more.
43 MB 11 MB 314 KB 109 KB 69 KB 129 KB

Episode #431 | 20 Nov 2013 | 106 min.

After catching up on another whirlwind week of really interesting Internet security news, Leo and I provide a brief overview of “RADIUS” - the 22-year-old pervasive, but often unseen, protocol and system for providing wide area network user authentication and accounting.
51 MB 13 MB 142 KB 85 KB 156 KB

Episode #430 | 13 Nov 2013 | 100 min.
Listener Feedback #178

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world ‘application notes’ for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
48 MB 12 MB 148 KB 83 KB 154 KB

Episode #429 | 06 Nov 2013 | 105 min.
“Monkey” Was 26th!

The past week was so jam-packed with so much fun and interesting security news that we had a hard time just fitting it all in. So this week's podcast is news, news, news!
50 MB 13 MB 167 KB 87 KB 163 KB

Episode #428 | 30 Oct 2013 | 101 min.
Listener Feedback #177

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
49 MB 12 MB 172 KB 88 KB 166 KB

Episode #427 | 23 Oct 2013 | 93 min.
A Newsy Week!

So much happened during the past week that today's podcast will consist of a series of rather deep dives into the many interesting things we have to discuss.
45 MB 11 MB 146 KB 77 KB 147 KB

Episode #426 | 16 Oct 2013 | 99 min.
SQRL: Anti-Phishing & Revocation

After following-up on a week chockful of interesting security news, Steve and Leo continue with their discussion of SQRL, the Secure QR code Login system, to discuss two recent innovations in the system that bring additional valuable features.
48 MB 12 MB 128 KB 79 KB 146 KB

Episode #425 | 09 Oct 2013 | 106 min.
SQRL and Q&A #176

Following up on last week's “SQRL - Secure QR Login” podcast, this week's Q&A focuses upon the many interesting questions my description of a new approach to secure website login sparked in the minds of the podcast's listeners. And, of course, we also catch up with the week's news.
51 MB 13 MB 188 KB 94 KB 175 KB

Episode #424 | 02 Oct 2013 | 106 min.
SQRL: Secure QR Login

After catching up with the week's minimal security news, Tom and I take the wraps off of “SQRL” (pronounced “squirrel”), Steve's recent brainstorm to propose a truly practical replacement for always-troublesome website login usernames and passwords.
51 MB 13 MB 106 KB 86 KB 148 KB

Episode #423 | 25 Sep 2013 | 104 min.
Fingerprint Biometrics

After catching up with the week's news, and following the news that Apple's new iPhone Touch ID system was spoofed within days of its release, Tom and I take a much closer look at the technology and application of Apple's Touch ID system, examining the reports of its early demise.
50 MB 12 MB 106 KB 84 KB 146 KB

Episode #422 | 18 Sep 2013 | 96 min.
Listener Feedback #175

Tom and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
46 MB 12 MB 103 KB 84 KB 143 KB

Episode #421 | 11 Sep 2013 | 106 min.
The Perfect Accusation

After covering this month's Patch Tuesday events and catching up with the past week's security news, Leo & I examine the week's most troubling and controversial revelations: the NSA's reported ability to crack much of the Internet's encrypted traffic. We explain how different the apparent reality is from the headlines, but why, also, this does form "The Perfect Accusation" to significantly strengthen all future cryptographic standards.
51 MB 13 MB 153 KB 89 KB 162 KB

Episode #420 | 04 Sep 2013 | 81 min.

After catching up with a lot of interesting security news, Leo and I examine the operation and technology of the new Bitmessage secure and anonymous Internet messaging system.
39 MB 10 MB 120 KB 68 KB 131 KB

Episode #419 | 28 Aug 2013 | 97 min.
Listener Feedback #174

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
46 MB 12 MB 167 KB 84 KB 160 KB

Episode #418 | 21 Aug 2013 | 110 min.
Considering PGP

This week, Leo and I continue covering the consequences of the Snowden leaks and, with that in mind, we examine the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) system for securely encrypting eMail and attachments.
53 MB 13 MB 162 KB 90 KB 167 KB

Episode #417 | 14 Aug 2013 | 92 min.
Listener Feedback #173

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
44 MB 11 MB 166 KB 82 KB 160 KB

Episode #416 | 07 Aug 2013 | 102 min.
Black Hat 2013, Tor & More

With last week's Las Vegas Black Hat 2013 and DEFCON conferences just completed, Leo and I examine the most significant and worrisome revelations to emerge from that annual convocation, and also discuss and dissect the week's top security news.
49 MB 12 MB 147 KB 79 KB 149 KB

Episode #415 | 31 Jul 2013 | 106 min.
Listener Feedback #172

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
51 MB 13 MB 167 KB 90 KB 167 KB

Episode #414 | 24 Jul 2013 | 99 min.
Inflection Points

This week we mix security news and updates with a discussion and analysis of the security industry's evolving reactions to the NSA/Snowden revelations. Leo and I examine several of the more significant news items and blogs relating to the issues of widespread Internet surveillance. Though it's not super technical, we believe you'll find it worth your time... and thought provoking.
48 MB 12 MB 155 KB 83 KB 157 KB

Episode #413 | 17 Jul 2013 | 108 min.
How Much Tinfoil?

Though regularly scheduled to be a Q&A episode, Steve and Leo had SO MUCH to cover in the week's news that there was no time left for questions. We'll save those for episode #415 and this week enjoy a great discussion of the week's many events. We'll wrap up with a discussion of the wide range of "tinfoil" solutions available and their convenience versus security tradeoffs.
52 MB 13 MB 158 KB 91 KB 165 KB

Episode #412 | 10 Jul 2013 | 95 min.
SSL & Perfect Forward Secrecy

After catching up with a bunch of interesting security news of the week and my Sci-Fi and SpinRite development updates, Leo and I explore the already existing SSL/TLS technology known as “Perfect Forward Secrecy,” which becomes useful in a world where encrypted traffic is being captured and archived.
46 MB 11 MB 135 KB 78 KB 144 KB

Episode #411 | 03 Jul 2013 | 103 min.
Listener Feedback #171

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
50 MB 12 MB 168 KB 92 KB 174 KB

Episode #410 | 26 Jun 2013 | 108 min.
Interesting & Useful Intel History

After catching up with another post-PRISM week of security industry news, Leo and I wind up and release our propeller beanies for a deep dive into the early history of Intel processor memory management - which, it turns out, has direct application to Steve's current work on SpinRite v6.1.
52 MB 13 MB 153 KB 87 KB 157 KB

Episode #409 | 19 Jun 2013 | 95 min.
Listener Feedback #170

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
45 MB 11 MB 168 KB 85 KB 163 KB

Episode #408 | 12 Jun 2013 | 97 min.
The State of Surveillance (How the NSA's PRISM program works.)

Leo and I remind our listeners that we just had another Microsoft Patch Tuesday. Then I detail and carefully lay down a solid foundation of theory of the operation of the NSA's PRISM program. This explains EVERYTHING about what the NSA is doing, and how. I even explain how and why the program got its name.

Podcast Document Resources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
47 MB 12 MB 145 KB 87 KB 162 KB

Episode #407 | 05 Jun 2013 | 104 min.
Listener Feedback #169

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
50 MB 13 MB 178 KB 94 KB 175 KB

Episode #406 | 29 May 2013 | 82 min.
Chatting Off the Record With OTR

After covering the week's security news, Leo and I examine an interesting security protocol known as “Off The Record”(OTR) which has been specifically designed to protect conversational privacy, both as it happens and also in the future.
39 MB 10 MB 106 KB 67 KB 125 KB

Episode #405 | 22 May 2013 | 100 min.
Listener Feedback #168

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
48 MB 12 MB 176 KB 89 KB 168 KB

Episode #404 | 15 May 2013 | 87 min.
How Facebook Monetizes

After catching up with the past week's updates and security news, Iyaz and I share information presented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) which describes how Facebook manages the privacy interactions with their third-party data warehouses and advertisers.
42 MB 10 MB 80 KB 69 KB 122 KB

Episode #403 | 08 May 2013 | 98 min.
Listener Feedback #167

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
47 MB 12 MB 156 KB 84 KB 160 KB

Episode #402 | 01 May 2013 | 89 min.
BitTorrent Sync

After catching up with the week's security news, Leo and I examine everything that's currently known about the recently released “BitTorrent Sync” peer-to-peer file sharing and folder synchronizing application. (Everything seen so far looks 100% correct and VERY useful.)
42 MB 11 MB 135 KB 75 KB 142 KB

Episode #401 | 24 Apr 2013 | 99 min.
Listener Feedback #166

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
47 MB 12 MB 172 KB 88 KB 165 KB

Episode #400 | 17 Apr 2013 | 83 min.
VPN Solutions

After catching up with a wild week of security events, Leo and I revisit a topic from the earliest episodes of the Security Now podcast: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). This coincides with the introduction of a new sponsor on the TWIT network, proXPN, a VPN provider that truly looks like the right choice.
40 MB 10 MB 110 KB 65 KB 125 KB

Episode #399 | 10 Apr 2013 | 101 min.
Listener Feedback #165

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
49 MB 12 MB 182 KB 91 KB 172 KB

Episode #398 | 03 Apr 2013 | 102 min.
Distributed Hash Tables

After catching up with a busy week in the security space, Leo and I cover an intriguing topic in fundamental distributed Internet technology, Distributed Hash Tables, which is the somewhat awkward name for distributed database technology.
50 MB 12 MB 147 KB 84 KB 155 KB

Episode #397 | 27 Mar 2013 | 114 min.
Listener Feedback #164

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
55 MB 14 MB 192 KB 99 KB 185 KB

Episode #396 | 20 Mar 2013 | 90 min.
The Telnet-pocalypse

This week was so chockful of things to discuss that we had no time to explore the fascinating technology and operation of Distributed Hash Tables. That discussion will be “tabled” for two weeks. This week, we look more closely into the somewhat troubling issues of SSL/TLS server security as revealed by, discuss the SWAT team arriving at Brian Krebs's home, examine the consequences of the revelation that 420 million routers are accepting trivial logins on their Telnet ports, and more!
43 MB 11 MB 148 KB 76 KB 144 KB

Episode #395 | 13 Mar 2013 | 89 min.
Listener Feedback #163

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
43 MB 11 MB 131 KB 76 KB 142 KB

Episode #394 | 06 Mar 2013 | 91 min.
Tor v2 with Hidden Services

After catching up with this week's Java vulnerabilities and emergency updates, Leo and I examine the recent evolution of the public and free “Tor” Internet anonymizing network. We look at the network's updated operation and its new ability to offer “hidden services” in addition to hiding the identity and location of the services' users.
44 MB 11 MB 126 KB 75 KB 139 KB

Episode #393 | 27 Feb 2013 | 80 min.
Listener Feedback #162

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
46 MB 12 MB 146 KB 83 KB 155 KB

Episode #392 | 20 Feb 2013 | 91 min.
The Internet Underworld

We first converse with today's special guest, Brian Krebs, who for many years wrote for the Washington Post and is now publishing his own “Krebs on Security” blog. Our topic is “The Internet Underground.” After that, we catch up with a somewhat busy and interesting week in Internet security.
44 MB 11 MB 140 KB 83 KB 157 KB

Episode #391 | 13 Feb 2013 | 80 min.
Listener Feedback #161

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
39 MB 10 MB 167 KB 76 KB 151 KB

Episode #390 | 06 Feb 2013 | 79 min.
“Mega” Security Overview

After covering “UPnP a week later” and catching up with some interesting security industry happenings, Leo and I take a look into the controversy surrounding the security (or lack thereof) of Kim Dotcom's new “Mega” cloud storage offering.
38 MB 9.5 MB 131 KB 68 KB 122 KB

Episode #389 | 30 Jan 2013 | 91 min.
Listener Feedback #160  &  UPnP Exposure Disaster

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events—and the disastrous news of 81 million exposed vulnerable routers!—discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
44 MB 11 MB 164 KB 79 KB 156 KB

Episode #388 | 23 Jan 2013 | 103 min.
Memory Hard Problems

After catching up with a bunch of fun and interesting news of the week, Leo and I examine the future of anti-hacking password scrambling and storage with the introduction of “Memory Hard Problems,” which are provably highly resistant to massive hardware acceleration.
50 MB 12 MB 129 KB 81 KB 147 KB

Episode #387 | 16 Jan 2013 | 101 min.
Listener Feedback #159

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
49 MB 12 MB 133 KB 84 KB 154 KB

Episode #386 | 09 Jan 2013 | 92 min.
Disconnect WidgetJacking

After catching up with a very busy week of interesting security news and events, Leo and I examine the growing privacy and security problems created by the ever more pervasive social widgets - Facebook's LIKE button, Google's +1, Twitter's Tweet!, and others - and they offer an easy-to-use free solution!
44 MB 11 MB 141 KB 76 KB 147 KB

Episode #385 | 02 Jan 2013 | 93 min.
Listener Feedback #158

Leo and I discuss the week's major security events and discuss questions and comments from listeners of previous episodes. We tie up loose ends, explore a wide range of topics that are too small to fill their own episode, clarify any confusion from previous installments, and present real world 'application notes' for any of the security technologies and issues we have previously discussed.
44 MB 11 MB 126 KB 80 KB 145 KB

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Last Edit: Jan 02, 2015 at 15:04 (3,666.55 days ago)Viewed 4 times per day