Resource links for Security Now! Episode #176:
Drop My Rights
The following links are to Microsoft-resident instances of the original DropMyRights blog posting and DropMyRights code, and also to locally (GRC) cached copies in case the native Microsoft links stop functioning at some point in the future.
Michael Howard's original "Code Secure" blog posting from November 15, 2004. It's formatted for “printer” otherwise you receive a monster index panel on the left. (You may remove the “(printer)” from the URL if that's what you want.)
Since Microsoft's URLs have tended to break during the intervening years as they have moved things around, this is a local seven-page PDF print of the URL above.
- DropMyRight.msi file from Microsoft's site
This is a direct download URL for the original DropMyRight.msi file using the following insane URL: If that direct download URL is no longer functioning, the next link is to a locally cached copy . . .
If the direct download link to the DropMyRights.msi file (above) from Microsoft no longer functions, you may download this locally cached copy.