Resource links for Security Now! Episode #9:
UPDATE: 11/14/2005
The SysInternals Rootkit Revealer Home Page This is the terrific freeware tool Leo and I discuss which is able to find and identify resources being deliberately hidden inside any Windows PC. Note that there ARE some commercial anti-virus tools which use rootkit hiding technology for their own purposes. So the rootkit revealer might "reveal" things that are NOT malicious. You will need to do a bit of checking to determine WHAT it is showing you . . . but at least you will know what's really going on inside your system.
Microsoft Research Strider Ghostbuster Rootkit Detection
Microsoft's malicious software removal tool
F-Secure's "Blacklight" Rootkit detection (free during beta release)
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Last Edit: May 04, 2013 at 17:12 (4,277.51 days ago) | Viewed 2 times per day |