Port Authority Database
Port 82
Name: | xfer
Purpose: | XFER Utility
Description: | We have no idea what this port's historical use was, and neither, apparently, does anyone else. It is listed (as shown above) on everyone's "port list", but no further information is ever offered.
Its current use, and its importance today, is due to is adjacency to the super-popular "http" world wide web port 80. Sometimes an "off the beaten path" web server will be established to listen not to port 80, but to an alternate related port such as 81, 82, 8080, or 8090. (Related by proximity or appearance.) So port 82 is only noteworthy today because it is a near neighbor to port 80 and is sometimes used in the same way.
Related Ports: | 80, 81, 443, 8080, 8090
Background and Additional Information: