This was obviously an application and protocol born during a very different age of the Internet . . . back when the Internet's seventeen users were rather desperate to be known to each other. Such is not the case today.
People who intentionally have finger servers running on their machines are generally not party animals, despite their desire to be invited to a party, any party thus the reason for their finger servers, eagerly providing more personal information than anyone else would care to have. Enough said.
I know that YOU probably don't have a finger server running in your machine, unless it's because you just installed a full-featured server suite and forgot to turn it off.

Do so now.
The Finger RFC
 There is, of course, an RFC document for "Finger" . . . and not just one, but a succession of four, each obsoleting the previous. This is what kept those first seventeen Internet users busy back in the good old "chicken and egg" days while they were waiting for all of the rest of us to get a clue and dump our money into this really nifty 110-baud teletype text network they had created. Lotsa RFC's back then, not much heat.
 The original Finger RFC 742:
 . . . obsoleted by RFC 1194:
 . . . obsoleted the next month by RFC 1196:
 . . . obsoleted a year later by RFC 1288:
And, believe it or not, Finger even managed to collect a few Trojans. Good for it . . .
 Trojan Sightings: CDK, Firehotcker The entire contents of this page is copyright © 2008 by Gibson Research Corporation.