High-Performance, Transparent, Comprehensive Internet Security and Privacy Management
by Steve Gibson, Gibson Research Corporation
Introducing the GRC NetFilter:
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A "NetFilter" Next? Spyware vendors caught my eye next. The free OptOut utility was the first result, followed by the well-publicized battle against Real Networks and the other spyware downloaders. I intended to and promised to push OptOut further, but virtually every spyware company started behaving much more responsibly (under the pending threat of an expanded OptOut), and the excellent, free, Ad-Aware anti-spyware utility from LavaSoft appeared on the scene to pick up where OptOut left off. People continued to ask for a complete anti-spyware utility from me (the version of OptOut I had promised), but with the spyware companies behaving much better, and an effective free alternative from Lavasoft, it made no sense for me to take the time to create a commercial utility which would largely duplicate their efforts . . . and when doing so would prevent me from working on other non-duplicative work . . . like the GRC NetFilter.
Filtering the Net The ULTIMATE Solution.
of our Internet connection is a growing concern.
Standing back from this growing exploitation of the Internet consumer, I realized that I could create a SINGLE SOLUTION to address and cure all of these problems.
comprehensive cure is my next goal.
News has leaked that Microsoft's next web browser, Internet Explorer 6, will finally catch up with Netscape and Opera in offering integrated 3rd-party cookie blocking, and moreover, that this blocking will be enabled by default! If true, that would be wonderful, but I'll believe it when I see it. Microsoft has knuckled-under before when powerful web-tracking commercial interests protested against the inclusion of this in IE 5.5. And, in fact, Microsoft publicly endorses third-party cookie tracking:
Huh? The "primary business model of the Web" ?? Did anyone ever ask us?
not depend upon 3rd-party cookie exchange! But I have news for these obnoxious stealthful tracking, privacy violating, personal information gathering and reselling dot com stalkers:
NOBODY is going to track me, catch personal data leaking from my browser, run malicious scripts when I go to a web site, open annoying pop-up windows when I try to leave. No one is going to receive reports from web bugs in pages I visit or eMail that I innocently open, nor run scripts in my eMail to monitor its movement. No one is going to annoy me and clog my Internet connection with advertisements I never said I wanted my browser to download. And no automated eMail database is going to send me unsolicited eMail. Those games are over.
We also need an Internet filter to give us much more control over the behavior of our various Internet client programs such as eMail, web browsers, and newsreaders. Why not allow images only from the web site we're visiting to complete the page we're viewing but NOT from third-party advertisers who slow everything down, attempt to plant tracking cookies and track our movement around the Internet?
If you are not convinced that we have a HUGE and growing problem looming, please check out this recent article on ZDNet the truth is frightening!
And if you think that perhaps our United States government is going to be making decisive moves to protect its citizens rights, consider Carlton Vogt's recent InfoWorld column about just this question:
tracking web bugs. (One wasn't enough??) Once you have the GRC NetFilter installed and running they will no longer be any concern.
When development of the GRC NetFilter has been completed it will be made available one time for a free, introductory, 30-day evaluation. All subscribers to our eMail system will be notified so that they may evaluate the GRC NetFilter's performance and determine whether they wish to purchase and continue using the product.
ALL licensed users will be entitled to FREE UPGRADES for the lifetime of the product. The GRC NetFilter will operate on any version of Windows from Windows 95 through Windows XP. Users of Windows 95 will need to apply the free Windows Sockets 2 Update, available directly from Microsoft. Winsock 2 cures many early bugs, security holes, and denial of service vulnerabilities within the original (version 1.1) of Windows Sockets. (Everyone using Windows 95 should do this anyway!)
News Blog you may wish to check it out and consider subscribing to receive news of all future updates, freeware, and commercial software.
I will let you know as soon as this cool new solution for our online privacy and security is ready for you to test and play with! NOTE: It is going to be a while before the GRC NetFilter is ready for release since I also need to first create our custom eCommerce system to support and manage cool features like free lifetime upgrades and painless lost-copy replacements. However, the GRC NetFilter will be the next software I release.
Thank you for your support and patience.
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Last Edit: May 04, 2013 at 17:21 (4,299.26 days ago) | Viewed 27 times per day |